Monday 11 April 2011

I did something kinda crazy...

I've been delaying this post because I was waiting for some good pictures of my hair but i'm pretty sure that won't be for a few months so here it goes anyway!

A long time ago my roommates and I all decided to cut off 10inches of our hair and donate it. A week later we all chickened out, one boy in my ward was so pleased at this decision that he made us 'angel-hair pasta' for dinner! It was that day that Maddy and Lexie decided again that they should cut their hair. At the last minute I secretly decided to join them again.

I wanted to surprise everyone, and I think its safe to say that I did!!


danielle said...

i love the fringe!

Nicole said...

No more angel hair pasta for you!
Your roommates did it to? Where are there pictures?
Also your hairdress came to you?