Wednesday 17 June 2009


Inbetween the end of my exams and the restarting of school, i had a week with nothing to do. so, i went to spain. which is completely logical. Over the week i learned a lot about Spain. For instance...

Everyone has to wear slippers indoors - or else!

the beds are Quite short.

I saw the town

I went to a museum...

I saw some sites

We went boating, which is also where i discovered my amazing natural ability to row

I tried lots of spainish cuisine

and we went to a theme park, where Some of us tried the rides


danielle said...

you forgot to mention the best bit - you're wearing a ROMPER in those pictures! Love it.

ukmom said...

I can't understand anyone thinking you are spoiled?!?!!!!

Nicole said...

How is that you can make a romper look good? As if that is even fair.
Wish I had been invited to Spain. You never invite me anywhere.

ps - if mum tries to play the whole spoil card, this has always been my comeback: "I'm not spoilt, I'm just loved"